Thursday, 17 Desember 2009
Investment since early times
It is never too late to buy mutual funds. This message seemed to convey to those investment managers who are still hesitant to buy these investment products at the time felt he was old.
Mutual funds are a capital market investment instruments that have long-term investment horizon. But age does not limit you to be able to give it to your beloved baby. The move was also necessary to educate the child in order to realize the investment early on.
President Director of
PT Manulife Aset Manajemen Indonesia Denny Rizal Thaher rate doubts that often happens like that it can be overcome with a single step, 'start investing from now'.
The delay time to invest, he said, can be very detrimental because it will takes time. Time wasted in vain that actually contain the opportunity that can be used to invest.
Mutual funds should be understood that a variety of forms, from open ended type, or structured fund (close ended). Open means that investors can enter into the form of investment at any time, which can include equity funds, mixed funds, fixed income funds, ETFs (exchange traded funds), index funds, and the money market funds.
Mutual funds are structured in this country are protected mutual funds, based on fixed income instruments but locked until maturity. Mutual funds that protect the initial investment value investors to time the basic asset maturity investments.
He gave an example an investor who invests on a regular basis for Rp100.000 per month from the age of 18 years for 15 years and quit to invest their capital in the age of 33 years. This person does not increase the amount of investment after 33 years of age, but he will have money Rp1, 2 billion at the age of 60 years.
Such types of investors, continued Denny, far more profitable than other types of investors that are too long to decide to invest.
Examples of other types is a father who postpone new investments and investing at the age of 33 years. He continues to invest for 27 years until age 60 years with a total investment Rp100.000 per month, equal to the first type, only to have the investment savings of Rp243 million in 60 years of age.
That, he said, is possible because every year your mutual fund investments have a positive growth, albeit in a short period of time has a sharp fluctuations.
Although the first investments of investors example less, 15 years old, running time makes the investment value grows larger than the other samples. When an ongoing, said Denny, have more value for every mutual fund investor invested.
"Especially if there are facilities capable of making investors started investing early, way easier berinvestasinya again."
He tells the old man than to start investing immediately, must start investing techniques to educate the baby.
According to him, a small investment like he exampled that can be applied through the program "QQ accounts" that provided by Manulife Aset Manajemen. The program is designed for investors and the child was given an opportunity for parents to invest in two names, names of parents 'QQ' son's name.
Thus, the invested funds would be owned by both people. Name the new parents will 'gone' and the account of the mutual fund would be shifted entirely to the child when she was 21 years old have been fulfilled.
Early Education
Head of Wealth Management Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc, Indonesia branch, Steven Suryana also said education should be done early. Companies are also always trying to educate its customers market conditions for investors since the beginning.
"The point we want to demonstrate to customers the ideal way to invest, so that banks do not only recommend, but also to function as an educator of investors."
He hopes to educate companies that are transmitted by various events, the more people who understand and are interested to invest in capital markets, particularly through mutual funds.
President Director of
PT Fortis Investments Eko Priyo Pratomo reminded there are two benefits that can be learned from a mutual fund investing from an early age for children.
"First, there is a need to make one investment fund set aside at the beginning, because at the end of the month each person usually has no funds left."
He suggested that the allowance for funds to save and invest at the beginning when the money is still intact, not the end of the month. That, he said, is to prevent running out of funds at the end of the month which is the tendency of each person.
Uses the second, most important, continued Eko, namely investment habituation also most important in order to educate children to start investing early.
He describes, when the child will appear adolescence curiosity about the use of spare money. To answer that, Eko said, parents need to teach the importance of investing in addition to saving money in the bank.
Then, the child must be asked about a mutual fund where the money invested, and about the capital markets. Surely it would make the parents called to explain to her child further. (Redaksi@bisnis.co.id)
Irvin Avriano
a Bisnis Indonesia's Contributor