Hendrata Sadeli : 'Do not turn down the small players'
JAKARTA: PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk have been 20-year-old, only 12 years ago after the stock market re-activated in 1977. Securities companies that had called PT Panin Sekuritasindo and PT Nusamas Panin before, now has a wide range of investors and a long history in the capital market.
With new management, Bisnis interviewed Panin Sekuritas's President Director Hendrata Sadeli after the company anniversary celebration at the Hotel Indonesia at the weekend. Here among the following interview:
What strategic plan Panin Securities plan to gain more and more investors?
We will be intensifying online trading through Panin Securities Online Stock Trading [POST] which was launched last year, it makes investors easier to trade. We will also build a few more branches next year, some of them in Semarang, Bali, Makassar, and Palembang.
What are the constraints to build local new branch offices?
One for looking for human resources who are competent because it would be ineffective if we will flew employees from Jakarta to the regions. Companies should have to educate future leaders from the region of origin or find the already prepared person.
What can be extracted from the area's native human resources?
Potentials such as the introduction of the influential figures in the area and type of investment demand, making it easier for the marketing strategy and approach to the community.
Potential investors and liquidity in the region oustide Jakarta is still big?
Still very large, especially since the regional autonomy that makes liquidity accumulated there. Unfortunately, the majority of Indonesian people in the area do not understand the investment other investment type than in a bank or savings deposits. It is to be one heavy duty for the authority the stock and the capital market.
Related with the plan pf separation function of securities and investment manager that will be set by the capital market and supervisory agency (Bapepam-LK/Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan) next year, will Panin Sekuritas ready to separating the two divisions?
We are already ready for it, but there are some investment managers or small-scale securities company that are not ready to separate themselves because of the demands of large capital necessity Rp25 billion.
But his goal to improve the quality of the industry players?
Indeed, but hopefully there are other ways that can improve quality without having to turn out the small players. Like us, once we were so small, but we can be as big as now because of the support industry. Capital market can bis as now because the player going forward together and it should continue that way, going bigger together and not leave the others.
What is the net profit target this year end?
We aimed for Rp150 billion [the company's net profit in the 3rd quarter posted for Rp133, 24 billion, Rp182,78 billion from business revenue, and Rp27, 57 billion from margin financing profit].
Interviewer: Irvin Avriano,
Bisnis Indonesia's Contributor
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