the photograph of ASF President Director Djony Bunarto
ASF bond selling will be started on Wednesday
Some sources said that the PT Astra Sedaya Finance (ASF) will start to offer their XI/2010 bond worth IDR1 trillion on Wednesday.
Its marketing started after the debt instrument receive its pre-effective statement from Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan lembaga Keuangan/Bapepam-LK).
When confirmed, Service Sector Companies Appraisals Bureau of Bapepam-LK Noor Rachman said the pre- effective statement has been given to its underwriter since Thursday.
"I already give those statement to them on Thursday afternoon," said Noor Rahman to me last weekend.
The company set their ceiling limit for their bond issuance at IDR2 trillion. The company and its bond had idAA- ratings from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).
The securities company who arrange the bond's public offering are PT HSBC Securities Indonesia, PT CIMB Securities Indonesia, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, and PT Indo Premier Securities.
The company's bonds which will mature this year are about IDR1.15 trillion. The debt instruments devided into seven tranches and four series.
They are ASF IX/2008 C and D tranches worth IDR201 billion, ASF subordinated VI/2005 K tranches worth IDR50 billion, ASF VIII/2007 E and F tranches worth IDR400 billion, and ASF X/2009 A and B tranches worth IDR506 billion.
But from all of its bonds, ASF were still have obligations to pay off their all 13 tranches of debt papers worth IDR2.11 trillion which will mature in varies time until 2012.
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