BTN appoints 3 bond underwriters
Wednesday, 17/02/2010 10:41:23 WIB
By Irvin Avriano A. & Wisnu Wijaya
for Bisnis Indonesia
JAKARTA (Bisnis.com): PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BTN) appointed three underwriters to manage issuance of their XIV/2010 bonds valued at IDR1,5 trillion--IDR2 trillion.
BTN Treasury Director Saut Pardede said to Bisnis.com they has appointed PT Mandiri Sekuritas, PT Indo Premier Securities, and PT Bahana Securities.
"Yes, we have conducted the selection and choose the three underwriters for the highest qualified than others," he said.
Before appointed three underwriters, the BTN to invite as many as 10 securities companies to follow the underwriter bonds selection.
The selected securities are Mandiri Sekuritas, Bahana Securities, PT Indo Premier Securities, PT BNI Securities, and PT Danareksa Sekuritas. In addition, PT Trimegah Securities Tbk, PT Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk, and PT CIMB Securities Indonesia.
BTN is preparing a number of instruments in order to capture funding this year worth a total of Rp4 trillion, namely through its bonds issuance, asset securitization stage III, and the medium term notes (MTN).
Issuance of bonds will be done early in the first half of this year. The plan of those corporate action is a follow-up after BTN held initial public offering (IPO) and securitize its assets last year.
Market situation and interest rates of debt securities was better predicted in the first half of this semester so that the issuance of bonds should come before higher interest rates predicted happen in the second half of this year. (wiw)
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