Sulistyo & Margeret candidate for KSEI directors
JAKARTA: Sulistyo Budi and Margeret M. Tang become candidate for director of the PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) in a recent meeting of the general meeting of shareholders (GMS) which will be held in June.
Both these names represent a single package that passed fit and proper test that held by Bapepam-LK. Both will replace two of the three directors who currently serves on the custody agency.
Numerous sources said officials in the capital market KSEI directors who still survive is Ananta Wiyogo as a chief executive. Two other directors namely Trisnadi Yulrisman and Risbadi Purbowo will be replaced.
One source said the two names suggested to the new officers of directors of one of self regulatory organization (SRO) is Sulistyo, KSEI Head of the Information Technology Division, and Margeret who currently serves as Director & Head of Securities and Funds Services branch of Citibank NA Indonesia.
"The three names of directors candidate of KSEI who are in a single package that had been submitted to Bapepam-LK. There are two new names on the package. They've been conducting fit and proper test that was held by the capital market authorities," said him this week.
Sulistyo was promoted from an internal candidate KSEI, which is also one of the five division heads in KSEI. Margeret, other candidates, active in the Asosiasi Pengelola Reksa Dana Indonesia (APRDI) as a member of Rules & Taxation Compartment and deputy chairman of the Asosiasi Bank Kustodian Indonesia (ABKI).
Other executives said the term of office will expire because Trisnadi already served two terms in the same position since 2004. While Risbadi and Ananta had their position since June 2007.
Securities Transaction and Institution Bureau Chief of Bapepam-LK Nurhaida said three candidates for KSEI directors has been passed fit and proper test process. Furthermore, the decision rendered on KSEI GMS to be held next month.
"I can not comment on who are the new candidates, but they [prospective directors] had been passed fit and proper test. Just waiting for the GMS approval."
Separately, Ananta and Margeret also justify their graduation from the fit & proper process by the Bapepam-LK. "But, still awaiting the decision of the GMS," said Margeret.
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