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Sunday, January 30, 2011
Trimegah issue IDR24.11 bio and 11.925% PN
Friday, January 21, 2011
Who will replace Nurhaida?
Who will replace Nurhaida?
JAKARTA: Nurhaida appointed as Acting Chief of Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory (Bapepam-LK), filled out the empty position that previously seated by Ahmad Fuad Rahmany. Who will be her replacement?
In the first time, the appointment of Nurhaida as Bapepam-LK leader has not been declared by Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo in the ceremony, and had make several Bapepam-LK and MoF officials confuse. Nurhaida also have been inaugurated as Expert Staff In Capital Market and Financial Institution Regulation
Bank Permata sold part stakes in Asuransi Nipponkoa

JAKARTA: PT Bank Permata Tbk sold part of their stakes in PT Asuransi Permata Nipponkoa Indonesia (APNI), 31% portion from previously 51%, to Nipponkoa Insurance Company Ltd.
Based on the subsidiary of Astra Group-Stadard Chartered Bank Plc information disclosure to Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/Bursa Efek Indonesia) today, the selling agreement of 7,750 shares has been executed on January 17th.
"Based on Deed Sales No.14 dated Januari 17th, witnessed by Kun Hidayat Notary," said Bank Permata Vice President Director Herwidayatmo in the information disclosure.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
FIF upsize bond plan to IDR2 trio: Six underwriters selected
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Government bond price rebounded today
Irvin Avriano A.
JAKARTA: Government bond price (surat utang negara/SUN) price rebounded today and supress its yield, after debt management office (DMO/Ditjen Pengelolaan Utang) held an auction that absorb IDR6.05 trillion from bid given by bond-market player.
Data issued by Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency (IBPA/PT Penilai Harga Efek Indonesia) today shows the yield for 5 year bond corrected 10 basis points (bps) to 7.5% from previously 7.6%, while yield 10 year bond corrected 15 bps to 8.5%.
Moody's can not hold SUN correction

Bisnis Indonesia
Moody's can not hold SUN correction
JAKARTA: Moody's upgrade on Indonesia's sovereign rating can not ease the selling pressure on government bond (SUN/surat utang negara) price in the secondary market.
Price index from Inter Dealer Market Association (IDMA/Himdasun) shows the pressure caused price declining and formed a lowest level since May 31th last year. The data showed the index turn down to 99.92 level from 100.8 level on last weekend. The 100.8 price already corrected from 102.9 level on the previous weeks, January 14th.
Review on Monday newspaper

Review on Monday economic newspaper:
Bisnis Indonesia: As much as four sovereign owned enterprise (SOE/BUMN) net profit reach IDR20 trillion last year.
SOE Minister Mustafa predicts the biggest contributors are PT Bank Mandiri Tbk and PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk IDR8 trio each, while the rest from PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk and PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk (BNI). The high net profit caused by high lending. (Bambang Priyo Jatmiko)
Bisnis Indonesia: Perum Pegadaian will issue IDR2 trio XIV/2011 bond on mid year to refinancing its previous bond matured this year. Pegadaian Finance Director Budiyanto said they will pick its underwriter on mid February. The company also intend to seek bank loan to refinance the matured bond. The issuance also can used to fund their working capital. (Ratna Ariyanti)
Monday, January 17, 2011
Mandiri Tunas Finance to issue IDR500 bio--600 bio bond
Mandiri Tunas Finance to issue IDR500 bio--600 bio bond
JAKARTA: PT Mandiri Tunas Finance will issue VI/2011 bond worth IDR500 billion--600 bio on this quarter.
Mandiri Tunas Finance President Director Anton Setiawan said the company already appoint PT Mandiri Sekuritas, its affiliation, to became the issuance plan underwriter.
ABDA plan to increase capital
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
ABDA plan to increase capital
JAKARTA: PT Asuransi Bina Dana Arta Tbk (ABDA) intends to increase the company's capital and change the composition of their management.
This information was revealed in the agenda of extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGM), announced on the website of Indonesian Central Securities Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/KSEI) today.
Credit Suisse start to eyes Indonesia consumer sector

Moody's upgraded Indonesia rating to Ba1

Jakarta Securities examination going deepened

Friday, January 14, 2011
Bakrie Plantations' rating slumped to Caa1

BCA Finance to issue IDR1 trio next quarter: Bahana, DBS Vickers, and Transasia picked to become the underwriter

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Garuda offers shares' price at IDR750--1,000

JAKARTA: PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk offered price range for their listed shares at IDR750--1,050 level per shares in the initial public offering (IPO) process that has been going.
Analyst said the range will be attractive to the retail investors, especially when the state owned enterprise (SOE/BUMN) commercial air transport company set up the price below IDR1,000 level per share.
Verena will issue IDR500 bio bond

Friday, January 7, 2011
Infoasia miss its bond payment
Bisnis Indonesia
Infoasia miss again its bond repayment
JAKARTA: PT Infoasia Teknologi Global Tbk haven't been set up for their II/2004 bond principal maturity worth IDR69.49 billion last December. The breach could given the company a second default statement.
"[They] haven't been set up [the bond paid off]," said Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) Corporate Finance Director Eddy Sugito yesterday.
Fuad Rahmany rumored to be replaced

Arif Gunawan S., Agust Supriyadi, Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Fuad Rahmany rumored to be replaced
JAKARTA: Bapepam-LK Chief Ahmad Fuad 'Arjuna' Rahmany rumored to be replaced immediately, related to selection that been held from the end of last year to pick the replacement.
Based on rumors in the capital market players, the Arjuna replacement selection was followed by a several candidate from Bapepam-LK internal officials and in the Ministry of Finance's (MoF) circles.