Irvin Avriano A.
JAKARTA: PT Verena Oto Finance Tbk will issue their first bond worth IDR500 billion on April.
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/Bursa Efek Indonesia) Financial Assessment Director Eddy Sugito said the emitters have appoint three underwriter for the bond issuance.
"They, look alike, have appointes PT Mandiri Sekuritas, PT Evergreen Capital, and PT Standard Charteref Securities Indonesia as their underwriter. You have to check it again for the names," said him to the press last morning.
Source in capital market said the company that commandeered by Hadi Budiman also have appoint PT Bank Madiri Tbk as their bond issuance's trustee.
The company's shares was coded VRNA and can be said as a subsidiary of PT Bank Pan Indonesia Tbk (Bank Panin) and commandeered by Hadi Budiman.
Their share has been listed in the bourse since June 2008. Bank Panin have as much as 42,87% of Verena's shares, while PT Verena Kapital 40,58% per September 2010.
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