Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Bank DKI bond & sub-debt issuance exact IDR750 bio
JAKARTA: PT Bank DKI set their conventional bond and subordinated (sub-debt) issuance on their exact initial plan as much as IDR750 billion, and didn't up-sized their issuance hence the demand is high.
One of the market participant said the arrangement also set their A tranche bond coupons tenured 3 years 9.25% with amount IDR125 bio, B tranche tenured 5 years 9.9% worth IDR325 bio, and II/2011 sub-debt 11% with amount IDR300 bio.
Bank DKI Finance Director Benny Santoso confirmed the numbers. He said the amount of investor demands on the conventional debt securities more than one times, while the demand for tsub-debt is more than twice.
“It is true, we didn't up-sized it,” said him recently.
The one of rural bank's bond issuance helped by PT Mandiri Sekuritas as their lead underwriter, and PT Bank Mandiri Tbk as the trustee.
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