Kamis, 22/10/2009 00:00 WIB
Bakrieland targets IDR2 trillion from the subsidiary firm divestment
JAKARTA: PT Bakrieland Development Tbk aims to tap some IDR2 trillion from the subsidiary firm divestment in three business sectors next year. Each sold shares 30 percent at maximum.
President director of Bakrieland Development Hiramsyah S. Thaib said the three sectors to be sold here include hotel and resorts, city property , and toll road. The company has studied to lure Middle Eastern, US, Australia, and British new investors which was initiated from the road show to London and New York.
"The scheme stipulates better economy condition," he said to the press yesterday.
The company has five business sectors, namely hotel and resort, city property, toll road, landed residential, and also water treatment that comprising 13 companies. From city property, Bakrieland has three subsidiary firms, PT Bakrie Swasakti Utama, PT Bakrie Bangun Persada, and PT Bakrie Pangripta Loka.
Five subsidiary firms in hotel and resorts include PT Samudera Asia Nasional, PT Berkah Puhu Lestari, PT Krakatau Lampung TD, PT Libratindo Gemilang, and PT Bali Nirwana Resort. From landed residential sector, the company has PT Graha Andrasentra, PT Dutaperkasa, and PT Mutiara Permata Biru.
The other subsidiary includes PT Semesta Marga Raya for toll road. Meanwhile, PT Aetra Air Jakarta is the subsidiary firm of Bakrie for water treatment sector.
Following the issuance of bond I/2008 and I/2009 sharia bond, the company also opened options for the similar bond issuance when the interest rate and yield of the government bonds are still low like now.
In the future the research released by August 31, analyst of JP Morgan Chase & Co Stevanus Juanda increased the estimated price loss into IDR530 in the next 12 months. The price rosen from Rp500 level. (Bisnis/21)
"Incredible Love", Kisah Anak Hiperleksia di Pasar Modal
*Novel perdana Hendra Martono*
Oleh Tahir Saleh
Hendra Martono memulai debutnya sebagai penulis fiksi Indonesia dengan
novelnya berjudul Incredible Love...
7 years ago
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