Saturday, 10/10/2009 00:00 WIB
IDR7.3 trillion bond and 4.17 billion stakes ready to enter capital market
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
JAKARTA: The IDR7.3 trillion bonds and corporate sharia bonds and 4.17 billion new stakes will hit the market up to end of the year.
Documents submitted to the Corporate Finance Assessment Bureau of the Capital Market and Finance Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) indicated the expectation of the domestic economy players that have been better than that of last year.
"This could show the improvement of market," said Service Sector Corporate Finance Assessment Bureau Chief of Bapepam-LK Noor Rachman yesterday.
He said to ease the emitters interest, particularly the stock emitter, the capital market authority has revised two regulations. The revision aims to lure corporate interest to enter the bourse.
"Thus, they would not have thought longer to hit the bourse as there are many ways to get extra capital in such urgent condition."
Real Sector Corporate Finance Assessment Bureau Chief of Bapepam-LK Anis Baridwan added the revised regulations here include the regulation No.IX.D.4 on Capital Increase Without Futures Rights (non-HMETD) and No. XI.B.2 on The Stock Buyback Issued by the Emitter or Public Corporation.
The revision of the capital increase without HMETD will be larger into 10 percent as from the old regulation of 5 percent.
The stock buyback revised regulation will loosen the maximum value of stock buyback by 20 percent as from 10 percent.
The corporate bond issuance value this year is predicted to exceed IDR30 trillion noting the low BI rate which leads to the low government bond yield become the benchmark of bond coupon. (Bisnis/21)
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