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Friday, March 5, 2010

BTPN selected 3 underwriters

Friday, 05/03/2010 00:00 WIB

BTPN selected 3 underwriters
Irvin Avriano A.

JAKARTA: PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan nal Tbk (BTPN) has selected three securities companies as the undewriter for the II/2010 bond issuance worth IDR750 billion. They are PT CIMB Securities Indonesia, PT Indo Premier Securities, and PT Mandiri Sekuritas.

"They have appointed three securities like the former bonds issuance," said Bisnis resource yesterday.

Based on the monitoring of Bisnis in Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan/Bapepam-LK) office, the bond registration document has been submitted to Bapepam yesterday.

The company once issued I/2009 bond worth IDR500 billion but oversubscription led the issuance to rise up to IDR750 billion.

The floating bonds are divided into two tranches, tranches A maturing in 2012 worth IDR350 billion and tranches B maturing in 2014 worth IDr400 billion.

The bureau here is part of the capital market authorities supervising the bond issuance in service sector. "I have even received the document. We will see tomorrow."

Director and Corporate Secretary of BTPN Anika Faisal conceded the selection of the three securities companies. "But the company could not explain further as it is on process."

Head of Fixed Income Division of PT Anugerah Securindo Indah Ramdhan Ario Maruto said the issuance of BTPN second bonds shows the bond emitter confidence on their leading image at market.

The confidence is supported by the sold out bonds issuance last year. (Bisnis/iaa)



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