Medco issues MTN US$50 mio
Friday, 19/03/2010 20:06:31 WIB
Oleh: Irvin Avriano A.
for Bisnis Indonesia
JAKARTA(Bisnis.com): PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk issuing medium term notes (MTN) II/2010 worth US$50 mio in two tranches tenured 2 and 3 years in Friday.
It was revealed in the data PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) last weekend. However, the data did not explain the amount of coupons or issuance underwriter of the foreign-currency debt securities.
The data showed MTN Medco II/2010 A tranches worth US$40 mio will mature in March 2012 and the investor will receive the first coupon payment in June 2010. Coupons will be paid every 3 months.
Medco's MTN II/2010 B tranches worth US$10 mio will mature in 2013 with a coupon that will be paid every 3 months. The investors of this tranches will also receive the first coupon payment in June 2010.
When contacted, Medco International Finance Director Darwin Cyril Noerhadi did not pick up his cell phone and did not respond to short message services which delivered in the afternoon. It is also common to the Medco International Investor Relations Nusky Suyono.
Previously, the company's MTN has also been issued in US dollar denomination in February. The A tranches of the debt worth US$28 mio was tenured a year and B tranches worth US$22 million was tenured 3 years. Acted as arranger of the MTN's issuance is PT Bahana Securities. (mrp)
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