Wednesday, 28/04/2010 00:00 WIB
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Customers called to verify assets: Optima stock trade business still suspended
JAKARTA: The Capital Market and Finance Instituion Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) and Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) called 200 customers of PT Optima Kharya Capital Securities to verify their investments.
IDX compliance and transaction supervision director Uriep Budhi Prasetyo said the customers have not submitted their asset verification despite the personal letter sent few weeks before.
As from the 400 corporate customers, some 150-200 customers have confirmed the verification done by SRO here.
"We expect in the next two weeks, they who have not verified could do the verification so as to run the process well," said Uriep to press yesterday following the meeting involving some Bapepam-LK and SRO officials such as form PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) and PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) yesterday.
Information gathered by Bisnis shows the meeting was attended by the Investigation bureau chief of Bapepam-LK Sar-jito and some other capital market authority investigation team.
Uriep could barely unveil the value of customers investment in the account of Optima Securities as it still depends on the verification process done by the securities management.
At the same time, President Director of PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) Hoesen said Bapepam-LK and SRO have either established verification supervision team for Optima Securities customers.
He said the team will supervise the verification done by the broker from Optima Securities to recollect asset data of the corporate customers.
"The team here serves only as the supervisor for the verification process done by broker of Optima Securities, and thus it is not us doing the verification."
The verification is for customers other securities and stocks instead of fund as fund is harder to verify noting that the customers fund and securities accounts are still united.
As to him, the suspension to the securities company here is necessary to help ease the verification and investigation.
"The point is like the process of Sarijaya [PT Sarijaya Permana Sekuritas], but now it has less number of customers. Otherwise, there will be those coming in and out which will make the verification harder and harder."
The misuse of Sarijaya funds was unveiled by end of 2008 which made the securities company status here remains unclear so far. But the recorded customers assets could be refundable.
Investigation bureau chief of Bapepam-LK Sarjito recommended the customers with unmatched verification with data of the Optima Securities could report the securities management to the National Police. "They could make direct report."
Formerly lawyer of Optima Egi Sudjana said it will fulfill the call from Bapepam-LK to pay the obligation to the customers. But the suspension needs to be revoked so as to run the corporate business normally.
However, he expected the company could provide chance to have round table talk with Bapepam-LK to discuss the obligation value to be paid by Optima due to its default of KPD product. (Bisnis/iaa)
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