Monday, 19/04/2010 00:00 WIB
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Erry left Delta Dunia to enter Astra
JAKARTA: Former IDX president director Erry Firmansyah plans to fill the position of commissioner of PT Astra In-ternational Tbk in August while leaving his post as commissioner with PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk.
"Erry will become Astra commissioner with Jonathan Chang. Jonathan is the representative of Jardin Cycle & Carriage Ltd, the major shareholder of Astra," said an executive involving in the commissioner change in Astra in Jakarta last week.
When asked, Erry gave no comment. " I cannot give any comment now. Just wait and see," he said.
In addition to being commissioner with Delta Dunia, Erry is currently the chief commissioner with PT Kus-todian Se-ntral Efek In-do-nesia and commissioner of PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset.
Erry also becomes an independent commissioner for three emitters, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk, PT Benakat Pet-ro-leum Energy Tbk, and PT Elang Mahkota Tek-nologi Tbk.
It remains unclear the reason for Erry to leave Delta Dunia, the coal emitter with the 38 percent plummet stock price this year but at the same time coal price has been climbing up along global oil price hike.
Delta DUnia stock price is practically due to the ruislag scheme of PT Berau Coal Energi owned by PT Recapital Advisors and some Delta Dunia new stocks which was announced only four months following the corporate private placement. (Bisnis/iaa/08/bsi)
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