Tuesday, 19/10/2010 21:30:39 AM
BTPN will title rights issue
By: Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
BTPN will rights issue
JAKARTA: PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) plans to held a rights issue with the right of preemptive and issue shares in the company's portfolio.
In the company information disclosure to Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/PT Bursa Efek Indonesia) today, they mentioned the plan will seek approval from its shareholders in general meeting extraordinary of shareholders (EGM) which will be held in the near future.
"EGM will be conducted on November 10th, 2010," said BTPN Director & Corporate Secretary Anika Faisal in the information disclosure.
He explained the plan would increase the company's paid-in an issued capital. In addition to the approval of the rights issue, the company also will seek approval from shareholders to change the company's charter related with the rights issue plan, such as capital improvement.
In the corporate action plan, the company also has appointed PT CIMB Securities Indonesia as a financial advisor.
BTPN share prices close strengthened 3.54% to IDR11.700 level and establish its market capitalization amounted to IDR11.04 trillion yesterday. Since late last year, the company shares has provided investment returns of 227.27%. (Yus)
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