Monday, 18/10/2010 15:38:52 AM
Fajar Wisesa operating income jumped 50.66%
By: Irvin Avriano A.
JAKARTA: PT Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk operating income rose 50.66% to IDR410.02 billion in the 3rd quarter/2010 compared to IDR272.14 billion in the same period last year.
In their financial report submitted to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/PT Bursa Efek Indonesia) last weekend, the company also booked revenues grew 21.87% to IDR2.44 trillion.
Cost of goods sold rose 18.05% from IDR1.65 to IDR1.95 trillion and their operating expenses increased 3.74% from IDR83.77 billion to IDR86.9 billion.
The Bekasi-based company's net income rose 44.26% from IDR177.78 billion in the 2009 3rd quarter to IDR256.48 billion in the 2010 3rd quarter.
Earnings per share also increased by the same amount of net income percentage and increase in value of IDR71.75 per share to IDR103.51 per share.
Net profit margin of the paper producers also rose from 8.84% to 10.47%.
Currently, the company that have shares code FASW is in the middle of an effort to increase production capacity from 300,000 tons to 1 million tons per year which will be expected to be effective next year. (Yes)
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