Irvin Avriano A.
Mansek's Kartika moved to IIF
JAKARTA: One of PT Mandiri Sekuritas (Mansek) director, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, move to PT Indonesia Infrastructure Fund (IIF) and become the president director of the SOE finance company.
His position will replace by former PT RBS Asia Securities Indonesia president director Laksono Boyke Widodo.
One executives who know the matter said Kartika resignation from Mansek and appointment to become the highest position in IIF already set up on September 5th and will assist the other director in IIF, Bibin Busono, former director of PT Tanah Laut Tbk (formerly PT Indoexchange Tbk).
Bibin already served concurrently as president director after the resignation of the previous official Taswin Zakaria.
When confirmed the issue, Kartika, 38, corrected the information and said his appointment were set up on September 12th. "I hope IIF will be able to fulfill needs from infrastructure sector and can raise fund from investors to the sector," said him.
IIF is a finance company which focussed on developing infrastructure sector. The main business from the subsidiary of PT Sarana Multi Infrastructure (SMI) is to attract potential investors, both from foreign or locals, and also made the infrastructure project bank-able.
SMI, led by Emma Sri Martini, is a state owned enterprise which mandated as a catalyst to accelerate the infrastructure development in Indonesia, hence to promote public-private partnership (PPP) in financing various infrastructure projects.
One of capital market participant said Kartiko's abandoned position in Mansek will be filled by Laksono Widodo, former RBS Asia Securities president director. RBS Asia Securities is HG-coded member of Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/Bursa Efek Indonesia).
Based on Laksono Widodo LinkedIn profile, right now he serves as head of equity in Mansek, the CC-coded securities company. Besides Kartika, the company already have Harry M. Supoyo as president director and Iman S. Rachman as managing director.
Mandiri Sekuritas is subsidiary to state controlled listed bank, PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. The securities company own one subsidiary which focussed on investment management business namely PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi, commandeered by Abiprayadi Riyanto.
Kartika, which nicknamed Tiko, appointed as managing director of Mansek back in 2008. Based on his profile in the Mansek's website, previously Kartika serve as senior vice president/group head strategy & performance group at Bank Mandiri up to 2008.
Before that, he act as senior consultant at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a global management consulting firm and the world's leading advisor on business strategy, in 2001--2003 period.
He also served as senior consultant for financial advisory services at public accountant PriceWaterhouseCoopers from 1998 to 1999, and credit analyst at PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia (formerly Industrial Bank of Japan) in 1996--1998.
He pocketed a Master’s degree in Business/General Management from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
#image credit to: http://www.kabarbisnis.com/photo/281119
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