Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Adira issue another bond IDR1.5 trio
JAKARTA: PT Adira Dinamika Multi Finance Tbk, PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk's subsidiary in financing industry, intend to issue another bond this year with minimum amountIDR1.5 trillion.
Based on a source knowing the matter, the company already picks four lead underwriters to handle the bond issuance. Namely PT CIMB Securities Indonesia, PT Mandiri Sekuritas, PT Standard Chartered Securities Indonesia, and PT Indo Premier Securities.
Adira Finance President Director Stanley Setia Atmadja affirms the info when confirmed yesterday. "We are currently exploring the possibility to issue in 4th quarter," said him.
Adira Finance Director I Made Dewa Susila added the company will use the fund proceeded to this year's financing needs.
The company pocketed AA+ rating from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo), the highest level on the same tier, together with PT BCA Finance, PT Astra Sedaya Finance, and PT Federal International Finance. The company booked IDR3.06 trillion of new financing contracts last month, that claimed as the highest ever in the financing industry.
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