Irvin Avriano A.
Abiprayadi and Bowo will compete to be APRDI chairman
JAKARTA: Chairman of the Asosiasi Pengelola Reksa Dana Indonesia (APRDI/Fund Managers Association of Indonesia) Abiprayadi Riyanto re-nominate to became the leader of the organization and will compete with the new candidate, Bowo Witjaksono Suhardjo today.
Some market players said the two candidates for president of the organization's mutual fund management companies have entered registration documents to the election board which closed in May.
"Both candidates are ready to compete tomorrow, the election will be done by all members of the association [APRDI]," an industry player told Bisnis yesterday.
Abiprayadi currently serves as PT Mandiri Investment Management president director. He used to lead PT ABN AMRO Investment Management, PT MeesPierson Finas Investment Management, and PT Mandiri Sekuritas.
While Bowo has led PT Danareksa Investment Management, PT Dhanawibawa Arthacemerlang, and currently serves as PT Recapital Asset Management president director.
Both confirmed the nomination and declared ready to compete when they confirmed. However, the both candidate do not want to disclose their programs to be fought because already has an agreement.
Abiprayadi and Bowo will compete tomorrow to get the most votes from as many as 68 members at the general meeting of members (rapat umum anggota/RUA) of the APRDI as well as election of new leaders of the company.
Acting as a committee chairman is Vice Chairman of APRDI Legowo Kusumonegoro, which currently served as the PT First State Investments Indonesia president director.
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