Irvin Avriano A.
Selamat Sempurna set their bond tenure for 3, 4, and 5 year
JAKARTA: PT Selamat Sempurna Tbk, a publicly listed automotive filter and radiator producer, plans to set tenure for their II/2010 bond for 3, 4, and 5 years, with a maximum issuance of IDR300 billion.
"The tenure was still tentative, depending on the result of the bookbuilding process later," said Director & Company Secretary Selamat Sempurna Ang Andri Pribadi to the press today.
He said the company will be assisted by PT Andalan Artha Advisindo Sekuritas (AAA Securities) and PT Nusantara Investindo Sekuritas as the bond issuance's underwriter.
The bond issuance plan, he said, already submitted to the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) and the documents already processed since been sent a month ago.
He said currently the company is waiting for a pre-effective statement from the capital market authority in order to continue the marketing process of its debt securities.
"We hope pre-effective statement can be given by the capital market regulator this week or next week."
According to him, the company also has another option to reduce the amount of the bond issuance if market players not able to absorb the issuance of debt securities it maximally.
The other options, he said, is to take loan facility which has been obtained from PT Bank Mandiri Tbk and PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia.
However, he said, the company and the underwriter is still optimistic that the issuance of bonds will be success because the trend of interest rates still low, which will affect the determination of the coupons that are not too high.
Determination of coupons that are not too high will make the company only has a lower interest expenses.
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