Tuesday, 06/01/2010 15:40:42 AM
Eddy Saragih leads Natpac Asset Management
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
JAKARTA (Bisnis.com): Former president director of PT Treasure Fund Investama, Eddy Darwan Saragih, became one of the new leader PT Natpac Asset Management.
"Right now I've become director of Natpac, but not as the president director," Eddy told reporters in the the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution (Bapepam-LK) House this afternoon.
He explained the company's candidate for president director position is Marusaha Lumban Gaol, one of his relatives.
He explained that he had just passed fit and proper test process, which held by Bapepam-LK relating petition for the new directors of the investment management company.
According to him, the old Natpac president director have been also replaced, so the company will run with a new gauge. Before the change, he said, the chief executive officer the company was set by Suharli Marbun.
In February Natpac Asset Management, under the leadership of Suharli, has just issued a mixed mutual fund, Natpac Balanced Fund. Companies targeting the AUM for the new mutual fund products could reach IDR500 billion over two years.
Based on data from Bapepam-LK, per the end of last month Natpac have amounted to IDR28 billion fund managed that worthed from 28.19 million units of mutual funds. (Ts)
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