Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Bintang Semestaraya sell stake in Ristia Mahkotasejati
JAKARTA: PT Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk, a property and real estate listed company, sold its stake in PT Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk worth IDR1.37 billion.
Its revealed on BMSR coded issuer disclosure to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/Bursa Efek Indonesia). It also announced the company sold as many as 16.33 million shares of its subsidiary at IDR84 price level.
"The shares selling has done by the company to buyers who want to invest," said Bintang Semestaraya Presiden Director Robinson in that information disclosure today, without mention the buyers party.
In the 3rdQ/2010 Ristia Mahkotasejati consolidated financial statement, their shareholders consist of Aussie Properties Ltd. at 40.25%, Bintang Semestaraya 24.18%, president commissioner Richard Rachmadi Wiriahardja of 0.61%, commissioner Maria Florentina Tulolo of 0.61%, and the public 34.35%.
However, in Ristia Mahkotasejati emitters profile on the IDX website, shown Bintang Semestaraya still have as many as 144 million shares of Ristia Mahkotasejati with 44.07% share ownership. Both company has the same president commissioner, namely Richard Wiriahardja.
Ristia Mahkotasejati's stock listed in the bourse in 1997, while Bintang Semestaraya in 1999.
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Bintang Semestaraya sell stake in Ristia Mahkotasejati
JAKARTA: PT Bintang Mitra Semestaraya Tbk, a property and real estate listed company, sold its stake in PT Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk worth IDR1.37 billion.
Its revealed on BMSR coded issuer disclosure to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX/Bursa Efek Indonesia). It also announced the company sold as many as 16.33 million shares of its subsidiary at IDR84 price level.
"The shares selling has done by the company to buyers who want to invest," said Bintang Semestaraya Presiden Director Robinson in that information disclosure today, without mention the buyers party.
In the 3rdQ/2010 Ristia Mahkotasejati consolidated financial statement, their shareholders consist of Aussie Properties Ltd. at 40.25%, Bintang Semestaraya 24.18%, president commissioner Richard Rachmadi Wiriahardja of 0.61%, commissioner Maria Florentina Tulolo of 0.61%, and the public 34.35%.
However, in Ristia Mahkotasejati emitters profile on the IDX website, shown Bintang Semestaraya still have as many as 144 million shares of Ristia Mahkotasejati with 44.07% share ownership. Both company has the same president commissioner, namely Richard Wiriahardja.
Ristia Mahkotasejati's stock listed in the bourse in 1997, while Bintang Semestaraya in 1999.
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