Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Perumnas issued another MTN IDR30 bio
JAKARTA: Perum Perumnas issued another medium term notes (MTN) III/2010/C worth IDR30 billion what will matured until March 2012.
From Indonesia Sentral Securities Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/KSEI) information disclosure showed in their website today, the housing developer self owned enterprises (SOE) will paid off the MTN coupon every three months.
But the data didn't show the amount of coupon that have to be paid to investors.
The MTN issuance amount is same with earlier MTN issuance by the same issuer, IDR30 bio, MTN III/2010/B that been issued by Perumnas in November. The earlier MTN given 14% coupon to its investor per annum.
Previously, other than Perumnas, the other company that intend to issue MTN is PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (SMF). The housing lending SOE intends to issue another MTN worth IDR200 bio--400 bio that will be tenured 360 hari.
MTN is a loan securities that can be issued without through public offering that can make more efficient for the emitter. The bond type can be rated by credit rating company but has own risk that slightly greater than the usual conventional bond.
It obtain more risk because the issuance can not be monitored by public and can not be traded normally in the market. Now, MTN can not be formed as portfolio in usual mutual fund since earlier this year by Bapepam-LK.
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