BI / exchange
Irvin Avriano A, Gita Arwana Cakti, Sekti Dewi Mayestika
Bisnis Indonesia
KSEI will launch trading ID in April
JAKARTA: Indonesian Central Securities Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/KSEI) intends to launch the identity of the transaction (trading ID) in April to support the separation of investors' funds account and a single investor identity (single investor ID/SID) in the capital market.
"Insha Allah we will launch the trading ID in April, which will be one of supporting the SID," said KSEI Central Depository Services Division Head Gusrinaldi Akhyar in PT Bank Permata Tbk Securities Gathering event this morning.
Separation fund account in a separate sub-account investors from securities accounts where trading is one of a series of programs of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) and self-regulatory organization (SRO), one of which KSEI, to realize the targeted SID can be accomplished in late January 2012.
Previous KSEI already launched an AKSes (Acuan Kepemilikan Sekuritas/Investor Ownership of Reference) card and make the investor has a separate stock account and instantly be able to access their own without having to ask to place securities transactions.
In the event, Gusrinaldy also said the Group's bank and Standard Chartered Bank Plc is one of the first banks that can provide real time data (real time) so that investors can receive immediate confirmation and notification when there is a change in account funds.
Head, Transaction Banking Bank Permata Rudy Tandjung said that step one of four banks that the paying bank received the title of capital markets is an effort to serve the securities exchange member (AB) to meet the provisions of capital market regulator about the separation of sub-account customer funds.
The Bapepam-LK regulation is No.V.D.3 about Internal Control for Securities Companies running Business Activity For Securities Brokerage.
"Hopefully we can all realize that the target before the deadline that been set in February next year, we do not want to pursue at the end of the time only," said Rudy.
KSEI President Director Ananta Wiyogo adding that the formation of sub-accounts must have been owned by all investors in the end of January 2012.
"The target means that all investors are expected to already have a sub-account in January 2012. Now we all must begin to prepare it," he said.
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