Irvin Avriano A.
Energi Mega and Bakrie Plantations pledge assets, again
JAKARTA: PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk and PT Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk, both are Bakrie Group companies, intend to pledge most or all of its asset and its subsidiaries, that will proposed on an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMs) that will held on May 31th and June 1st, respectively.
The action indicated the two companies intend to seek another loan and/or use their shares for loan collateral, like often did before.
The matter was announced in the newspaper separately. Energi Mega official statements on the newspaper today showed that the plan can be used for issue a corporate guarantee in financing or refinancing it financial needs. While Bakrie Sumatera Plantations also proposed to change its board of commissioner.
Bakrie Plantations commissioner now consist of Soedjai Kartasasmita, Bungaran Saragih, Anton Apriyantono, Gafur Sulistyo Umar, and Yuanita Rohali.
Energi Mega, the oil and gas company that commandeered by Imam P. Agustino, also will held an annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMs) on the same day with the EGMs in Balai Kartini, Jakarta, while Bakrie Plantations in InterContinental MidPlaza Hotel.
The company shares which coded ENRG weakened IDR8 to IDR197 today and formed IDR7.99 trio market capitalization, while Bakrie Plantations which led by Ambono Janurianto shares move down IDR5 or 1.08% to IDR460. The UNSP coded stock formed IDR6.23 trio market cap and 6.55 times price to earnings ratio (PER).
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