Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Suzuki Finance will give insurance to profcoll
JAKARTA: PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia, the official Suzuki brand motorcycle financing company, want to give live and health insurance to their professional debt collectors (called: prof-coll) next month, related to high risks that awaits on their job.
Suzuki Finance Senior Executive GM Collection & Asset Mahadi Soeseno said the intention related to many cases that happens to the prof-coll since last year.
“Several violence and death cases happens to our debt collectors, and we want to pay for their insurance to ensure their family can have a better condition when something happen, their risk is big," said him to reporters this week.
The naughty customers behaviour, he added, somewhile caused by mafia activities that intentionally sell back the motorcycle that still in payable without any authorized papers (bodong motorcycle) with half price to remote areas such as Poso or to Kalimantan hinterland.
He mentioned several violence that happen to profcoll are beatings, even murder that occurs in Madiun and Jember last year, that never exposed before. Other cases, he continued, are a still in coma condition profcoll in Yogjakarta after he got his arm cut off after beaten by customer and colleagues last month.
According to him, the violences mostly caused by uncooperative customers and not intend to installments credited motorcycles. Foreclosures by profcoll, said him, only happen if the costumers can not be approach and persuade by the ordinary company's managements.
To avoid unlawful violences in foreclosures, he said Suzuki Finance also had increase profcoll quality by trainings and internal certification, working with local police head quarters and precinct police offices in East Java province. Mahadi added two other provinces, namely Central Java and North regions of Sumatra, would follow this month.
He also assess the violence by debt collector that usually encourage complaints from communities happen because high target that been set by collector's agent for several months period.
Mahadi pointed out that a single profcoll usually have to pay an installment money to join an agency or a foundation, let say IDR3 million-4 mio, and burdened by target for the next 3 months. To fulfill the target, the debt collector have to reach a high recollection level to maintain his installment to evaporate.
"Usually the percentage fee after foreclosure is too small for them, maximum 80%, the remainder must remitted to his agency or foundation."
For that purpose, said him, the company not intend to cooperate will agency or foundation and only made a hiring contract with personal debt collectors. The company also giving honorarium with ratio of successful in every foreclosure.
Related with violence to debt collector, Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) Financing and Guarantee Bureau Head M. Ihsanudin said the authority still asking for explanation from PT Sinar Mitra Sepadan Finance (SMS Finance). The explanation is needed after murder-indicated to one of their profcoll in Depok last month.
"We still questioning the management [of SMS Finance], because they only explain condition on the foreclosure, not the death cause."
When confirmed, SMS Finance President Director Rudyanto Somawihardjo said he already explain to Bapepam-LK about the matter.
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