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Monday, May 16, 2011

Kentucky disperse IDR156.18 bio bonus shares

Irvin Avriano A.

Kentucky disperse IDR156.18 bio bonus shares

JAKARTA: PT Fast Food Indonesia Tbk, an Indonesian brand franchise holder company of Kentucky Fried Chicken, will distribute IDR156.18 billion capitalized dividend through bonus shares.

The matter was announce in the company's official statement in newspaper today. The company that owned by Gelael Family will propose the plan on extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMs) that will be held on June 15th.

The bonus shares announcement also coupled with question of other EGM proposal that will held with annual general meeting of shareholders (AGMs) on the same date.

Last year, the company which shares coded FAST booked IDR199.59 bio net profit and revenue IDR2.91 trio.

The owner of the company consist of PT Gelael Pratama 43.84%, PT Megah Eraraharja 35.84%, HSBC Fund Services Clients 9.64%, Koperasi 0.32% and public 10.36%. Dick Gelael was the company's president director, while Anthony Salim as the president commissioner.

Their shares leave stagnant until this afternoon at IDR10,000 level and formed IDR4.46 trio market capitalization and 22.37 times price to earnings ratio (PER).



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