Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Astra Agro CPO sales grow 4.4%
JAKARTA: PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, an Astra Group agribusiness line company, booked 4.4% rise on CPO sales volume in January this year, or 94,991 tonnes from 90,954 tonnes in January 2009.
In the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) information disclosure today, the local client buy 88,423 tonnes CPO from the volume and the rest 6,568 tonnes was exported.
Kernel sales volume of the company that commandeered by Widya Wiryawan increase 13.7% which reached 12,640 tonnes, from 11,113 tons in a year earlier.
During the period, Astra Agro CPO average selling price rose 35.7% to IDR8,695 per kilogram from IDR6,408 per kilogram, while kernel and PKO were traded at IDR6,136 per kilogram and IDR14,746 per kilogram.
The fresh fruit bunch (FFB) the company produced risen 10.9% or became 333,582 tonnes in January 2011, from 300,724 tonnes a year earlier.
The FFB output increase was mainly formed by the growth in Sumatra and Kalimantan areas of 11.8% and 27.9%.
As a result, CPO production reached 17.3% increase to 92,116 tonnes, from 78,524 tonnes a year ago. Kernel output also rose 14.7% to 19,235 tons from 16,768 tons.
The largest contributor for FFB production was still Sumatra area of 44.4%, followed by Kalimantan and Sulawesi areas of 38.9% and 16.7%.
Based on Oil World data, Indonesia's CPO production in 2010 reached 21.8 million tonnes, grew 3.8% compared to the previous year that only 21 million tons.
The growth of Indonesia crop land in 2010 booked 6.7% to 5.73 million ha is one of the main factors that formed such growth.
On the other hand, Malaysia's CPO production in 2010 decreased by 3.3%, from 17.6 million tonnes in 2009 to 17 million tonnes.
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