Irvin Avriano A.
Gonthor inauguration and Bapepam-LK transparency
Similar with the latest Ministry of Finance's officials inauguration, Gonthor Ryantori Azis appointed as a new Services Sector Company Financial Assessment Bureau Head of Bapepam-LK today. He was replacing M. Noor Rachman that has been picked as a new Securities Transaction and Institution Bureau Head.
Previously, Gonthor served in Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) as International Relationship Expert Staff, which stands as echelon II, just a level below the Bapepam chairperson which is stood on echelon I level in the Ministry of Finance circle.
Any Bureau Chief of Bapepam-LK also stands as echelon II, so there was no changes on echelon II level in the rotation.
Gonthor known as a supple official in Bapepam-LK, seen by his relationship with many market participants. He also can be said as one of the young official that reach to the position in a short time, compared with other official in the same institution.
The other official that also stamped as a rising star in the capital market authority is Djoko Hendratto.
Djoko ever run for Bapepam-LK chairperson position that been leaved by Fuad Rahmany, together with Ngalim Sawega, Nurhaida, and Rahmat Waluyanto at the end of last year. (See more in the other articles: Fuad Rahmany rumored to be replaced and Who will replace Nurhaida?)
The interesting thing is, Gonthor can not comment for anything after his very first time being a bureau chief in the big event, the inauguration of him by Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo this afternoon. Is this a sign for a more silent Bapepam-LK than before, in Fuad Rahmany era?
The indication already can be read on the lousiness of several bureau head that would not comment to the press when asked a matter, whether its an urgent thing or not, except in a special occasion that been held weekly, as a mere excuse.
Hence, do they realize the capital market is still rolling in every day? Every hour? Every minutes? Every second? Do they know that every single sector in the capital market have problems every second that should be monitored by the public=press?
It is a shame and would be something annoying to know that an institution that have a big role and power in Indonesia capital market feel no need to be transparent.
Hope it means nothing.
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