Irvin Avriano A.
Royal Oak and Citra Agri change management
JAKARTA: PT Royal Oak Development Asia Tbk and PT Citra Kebun Raya Agri Tbk, two of related companies, plans to change its board of director and commissioner composition.
Its been told in their information disclosure to Indonesia Sentral Securities Depository (PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia/KSEI) last night.
The plan was being scheduled in their extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGM) that will held in March 3rd, alongside others EGM. Citra Agri will be held the EGM in 9.30 AM while the Royal Oak will held in 10.30 in the same day and even in the same building.
Both companies, which shares coded RODA and CKRA, will held their EGM in eTrade Building on Jl Wahid Hasyim. Royal Oak is dommandeered by Subianto Satmaka while Citra Agri is by Chao Shern Yuan (Peter Chao).
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