Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Bapepam-LK revoke 7 broker dealers license
JAKARTA: Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) revoke seven brokerage (PPE) license or commonly known by the name of a securities dealer permit. The capital market authority also revoke an underwriter permit from a company.
The six broker license was revoked from PT Usaha Bersama Sekuritas, PT Makefin, PT Pandurama Securities, PT United Asia Securities, PT Unisecurindo Abadi, PT Summit Nusantara Capital, PT Jasabanda Garta.
These companies are evaluated by Bapepam has not actively running the business broker, have no employees, and no office longer viable or do not have offices.
Usaha Bersama not run broker business since 2008, Makefin since 2005, Pandurama since 2008, the United Asia Securities since 2007, Unisecurindo since 2005, Summit Nusantara since 2008, and Jasabanda since 2003.
Bapepam-LK also revoke an underwriters (PEE/underwriter) permit from PT Patalian Water Securindo. The company was also considered not running the business of underwriting, his office could not be found, and have no employees since 2008.
Irvin Avriano A.
Bisnis Indonesia
Bapepam-LK revoke 7 broker dealers license
JAKARTA: Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (Bapepam-LK) revoke seven brokerage (PPE) license or commonly known by the name of a securities dealer permit. The capital market authority also revoke an underwriter permit from a company.
The six broker license was revoked from PT Usaha Bersama Sekuritas, PT Makefin, PT Pandurama Securities, PT United Asia Securities, PT Unisecurindo Abadi, PT Summit Nusantara Capital, PT Jasabanda Garta.
These companies are evaluated by Bapepam has not actively running the business broker, have no employees, and no office longer viable or do not have offices.
Usaha Bersama not run broker business since 2008, Makefin since 2005, Pandurama since 2008, the United Asia Securities since 2007, Unisecurindo since 2005, Summit Nusantara since 2008, and Jasabanda since 2003.
Bapepam-LK also revoke an underwriters (PEE/underwriter) permit from PT Patalian Water Securindo. The company was also considered not running the business of underwriting, his office could not be found, and have no employees since 2008.
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